In case you’ve missed it, we kind of like Diablo IV around here.
Diablo IV’s expansion has dropped and with it, brings a slew of changes to the game! From reduced level cap (bye-bye Level 100 😢) to having your own hired sword for help with Mercenaries, Diablo IV should now be called Diablo 4.5.
But does it make a good game?
Does it still capture what made Diablo IV way better than Diablo 3?
And will you have to restart the game from the beginning?
Luckily, we’re here to help!
With our very limited hands-on time with Vessel of Hatred, we can tell you how it stacks up to the original. What we like, what we don’t like, and everything else in-between.
This is The XboxCast’s review of Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred.
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