Tony Hawke’s Pro Skater 3 + 4 Remaster – also known as THIPS 7 – will be board sliding its way onto your Xbox this very year! And we cannot wait!
Thats right, we’ll soon grinding, ollie-ing, and kickflipping all over the place. And the best news is that we’ll be doing it as the DOOMSLAYER! Because what’s better than being Tony Hawke? Being the death machine that is the DOOMSLAYER. We can’t wait to glory-kill some rails. If fighting the darkness is not your style, you can also skate away your troubles as the Revenant, proving there’s something for everyone. Will the music be just as good as we remember? You better believe it!
Acclaim is coming back. This will only mean something to you if you’ve been gaming since the late nineties, but for us older gamers, it’s welcome news indeed. Will we get some new games in franchises we haven’t seen singe 2001? Or will this be revived only to sell IP to Tencent? Either way, if this means we get a new Shadow-man game, then bring it on!
And of course, what is a week in Xbox without being disappointed? This week, the rumor that Gears of War is going to PlayStation would be bad enough. But of course, they just have to add salt in the wound, and will be shipping the game without multiplayer! For a game that earned its cult following because of multiplayer, this is a very strange move indeed. Or this could be one giant ploy to get PlayStations gamers up to speed for when they release GoW: E-Day on the rival console as well? Either way, we aren’t sure what Xbox is trying to achieve, but we do know they are pushing away some very vocal and long-term fans with these types of moves.
All this and much, much more in this week’s episode of The Regular Show!
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