#FriendlyFeb is officially over.
So how did it go? Are we feeling friendly?
We're about to catch up on all the news for the year so far.
Luckily nothing major has happened, right?
Rider's Republic has us in its firm grips.
And we're on the downhill track!
#FriendlyFeb has introduced us to an amazing game.
It's Sunset Overdrive, extreme sports, chaos, and fun all rolled into one!
Our first week of #FriendlyFeb is done.
So, what have we played? And why is Lee trying to play every game known to man?
What's going on with The XboxCast?
Why all the bananas? And where are my weekly episodes anyways?
What a roller coaster of a year!
We did 69 episodes in one year, met new friends, got a new logo and much, much more. But now it's time to wrap it up and go on holiday!