Because what other instrument would a fish play?

Rockbeasts has been announced and looks to be the sleep hit we never knew we needed. Creatures big and small all come together in this unique RPG that is going to be filled to the brim with the best puns ever. And we’re hyped for it! 

That Annapurna Interactive Showcase took place and there were announcements for announcements. From game devs confirming they are working on their next game, to release dates for games you’ve never heard of, the entire show could have been an email. At least according to us. We’re not massive indie fans, so we’re pretty sure some hidden gems are slipping under our radar. If we missed something exciting, be sure to let us know. 

Phil Spencer has said that generative A.I. is going to be amazing for game preservation. We have some doubts after seeing the current state of things, but like any good Microsoftie, Phil is making sure to lock step with the wider Microsoft as they march to the drumbeat of A.I. in everything. All we ask is for our Xbox to be a little smarter… What do you think? Is A.I. in video games a good thing? Or is it one giant Silicon Valley bubble? 

Not to be outdone, the head kahuna of Microsoft – Satya himself – has started crooning about the role of A.I. in video games. Particularly, how import gaming data is to Microsoft in helping to train their models. Just think – you’ll go off to work one day and your A.I. avatar gets to stay home and unlock achievements for you. Because who wants to play their games anyway? It’s much easier to let A.I. beat that boss, get that perfect three-star score, or manage your inventory. Actually, that last one sounds like the perfect use of A.I. in video games. Never having to deal with inventory management ever again will make it all worth it.

All this and much, much more in this week’s episode of The Regular Show!

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