It’s been three weeks of constant cheese talk.
So, let’s break the pattern by talking about a dog-napping!
April Achievement Challenge is here, and Lee is on the path to get 100k Gamer Score in one month. And he’s doing it by playing really bad and baby games. That isn’t t say there aren’t some gems hidden in the slog. How are you going through April?
Hellblade II looks like it’s going to be the new benchmark when it comes to graphics. With most of the media tentatively calling it a “banger”, “a true next-gen showcase” and even “just what Xbox needs”. Can you believe that even the Sony funded media are hyped for this game? And will it be so good that it breaks the Xbox Tax? Only time will tell…
Xbox is getting A.I. And before you get excited, this is only going to be a chat bot for logging support calls. While it could be amazing, it seems Xbox and Microsoft are limiting themselves in terms of how useful A.I. could be. Seems like Xbox One and Kinect really burnt Xbox in a bad way. All while Xbox is looking at their next-gen console, with Xbox setting up a team to make sure that all games being built are forward compatible. Could we be getting a new Xbox sooner rather than later? We can only hope!
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