August is coming to an end, and so is our Patron’s Puzzling Picks. 

Kyle and Simone have continued with ExoPrimal (against their will) and are trying hard to follow the “story” and “care about the game.” All while Lee has completely given up on it. 

Simone is warming up to Stray. Maybe it takes a while to let the cat out of this bag? Kyle has some thoughts about Resident Evil 2, and how these two games seem to be developed by completely different companies… And Lee tried Age of Empires, before going straight back into Diablo IV. 

Outside of the event, the hype for Starfield has truly taken its hold, and given Kyle an obsession with No Man’s Sky. Especially with the Echos update and all the great stuff it brings. And he’s managed to drag Simone into the NMS universe too… 

Don’t forget that we’re doing a massive YouTube push, and we need your help. Go to our YouTube channel, watch the podcast on there, subscribe, like share and just be that annoying person who tells the world about us. You sharing the podcast is how we grow. So, if you enjoyed this episode, please share it on all your social media and tag us! We’re everywhere. Even in your house…