April is complete and that means its time for our wrap up!
Are you ready for the monster podcast of doom? Because you have gotten a monster podcast of doom!
As you know, every April we lay down the gauntlet to everyone – go hard for achievements, go hard for GamerScore, and just play EVERY GAME! This year, The Cast went super hard! Everyone bought their A game and we’re taking apart all the cool stats.
From who won the most GamerScore, who won the most achievements, how did we stack up against Kingsman and did we actually manage to get any TrueAchievements score?
Join us on Twitch as we stream the podcast every week.
We’re also going to put out a survey sometime soon – so make sure to keep an eye out for that.
If you liked this episode, don’t feel ashamed.
Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us.
Your hosts are:
Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Twitch
Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Leehoward25 Twitch
Simone: GymBeanNZ on Twitter and Xbox
Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Twitch
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