Welcome to the first April Achievement Challenge podcast! 

And we’re trying to get it right while live streaming..? 


We’re a two handed podcast! And we’re challenging you to a challenge! Want to know more? You could go to our Patreon page and find the deets there… Or you could just listen to this episode. 

And check out our True Achievements Leaderboard


Lee is enjoying The Division (the first one) after he managed to accidentally buy The Division 2, and explains how that happened. Kyle raves about What Remains of Edith Finch, and urges everyone to play it! And Simone is back with her Stardew Valley stories which we absolutely love and cant get enough of. 


All this excitement and more on GameFace!


If you liked this episode, don’t feel ashamed.

Rather, join the dozens of others that are following us








Your hosts are:

Kyle: XarCrius on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer

Lee: Leehoward on Twitter, Xbox and Mixer

Simone: GymBean44 on Twitter and Xbox

Paul: HippoHQ on Twitter, Xbox, YouTube and Mixer


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