PlayStation gets even more Xbox games.
While Xbox gets..? The warm fuzzies of being everyone’s friends?
Age of Empires, Age of Mythology and Forza Horizon 5 are all headed to PlayStation. There really are no more red lines inside Xbox. How soon will see Halo or Gears of War on PlayStation? All while Xbox is talking about winning people based on hardware, services and experiences. Almost like the games themselves aren’t experiences? Seems like Activision Blizzard is not going to pay for itself, and Microsoft is calling on Xbox to collect.
Multiversus is shutting down. Yip, the game that released, then pulled, then re-released somehow never managed to find an audience. Who would have thought? Unless its due to be re-re-released this time next year? Bold strategy, Cotton, let’s see if it pays off.
Rebel Wolves, ex-devs from CD Projekt RED, are showing off their first game. On a mission to make the best RPG’s in the world, this CGI trailer looks to have all the best bits of The Witcher distilled. We’re looking really forward to hat they cook up, when they cook it up.
And we’re in the midst of #FriendlyFeb!
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